Local Missions

We participate in Local missions to support and encourage our community. The first way that you can get involved is by praying over each local ministry. Second, you can give of your time and resources. This can be volunteering or giving monetary donations in support of the effort each ministry is trying to make! 

Our Local Missions:


The acronym “CARE” represents “Christians Actively Reaching Everyone.” We believe that every believer has been called to be a minister, a Christian who is actively reaching everyone around him or her through the aid of the Holy Spirit. Sunday nights are C.A.R.E. Ministry nights where we offer a variety of ways in which people can serve God through spiritual giftedness. Areas of ministry involved: Visitation Card Writing Phone Calls Child Care Have a Ministry need for our CARE team? Our CARE Ministry is available to send cards, make calls, pray, and/or visit, we ask that you give us whatever information is needed by filling our CARE Ministry Request. Our CARE Coordinator is Danny Carswell and Assistant CARE Director is Lea-Ann Branch.

Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection
We partner with Samaritan’s Purse to collect items and pack shoeboxes that will then be shipped all over the world. All items collected are for children, boys and girls,  2-14 years of age. After collecting items all year we will be packing the shoeboxes early November and delivering them to an Operation Christmas Child processing center. Please place your items in the box provided in the narthex.
For more information on OCC and other relief activities that Samaritan’s Purse does, you can go to their website by either clicking on one of the following links or typing them in your web browser; “samaritanspurse.org” or samaritanspruse.org/occ“.

Hospice Care

What is Hospice Care? Hospice care is supportive care focusing on comfort and quality of life. Individuals’ needs are met uniquely to help individuals and families make the most of every day. Deciding on hospice care could be one of the hardest choices you may have to make but definitely a choice to explore. We as a church support the Burke hospice & Palliative Care. If you have any questions you can contact them at (828) 879-1601 or via their email address; info@burkehospice.org. You can also visit their website www.burkehospice.org

The CRBA (Catawba River Baptist Association) and BCYM Network (Burke County Youth Ministry) are partnering together with area Churches, Ministries, and Business partners to Change Burke County. This hands on mission service is a great way to get youth and young adults involved in helping reach our community and making a difference one home at a time.
C.C.R.P. is a Christian renewal center designed to help men who are ready to make a change in their life. Victory in living through Jesus Christ and the truth of the Bible is taught here. This is accomplished through classroom teaching, one on one biblical counseling, homework assignments, worship services and work projects. This ministry gives hope through Jesus Christ to the addicted men that truly want a second chance at suceeding and rebuilding their life.