Church Services Temporally Suspended

Church Services Temporally Suspended: March 22 – April 5, 2020 The church leadership and Pastor Dewey decided to suspend church services due to the corona virus situation. Due to Governor Cooper mandating that no mass crowds over 100 people can be together, we will not have services at the church for at least the next few weeks or until further notice. Please be in prayer for each other, those who are sick with this virus and the state of our country and leadership as well.

A Message From Pastor Dewey:

The last few days have been very difficult as we have been confronted with this pandemic. Sadly, it may get even worse. It has also been a hard decision to close the church for the next few weeks. But, the Bible tells us to render to Caesar (government) what is Caesars. Our government has asked us to not congregate in crowds any larger than ten. Also, it seems reasonable that we would not want our family, friends and fellow church members to be in harms way and possibly get sick! Hopefully, by April 5, 2020, we will be able to return to our worship and other church functions as is normal. I would ask each of you to remember that we did not leave God at the church building and we can worship Him wherever we may be.

The Deacons will keep you informed as to the status of our being permitted to return to our times of fellowship together.

Also, Our Sunday morning and Wednesday services will be available as a link from our Facebook page and our website or on this App and we will be working to go live at 11:00 AM Sunday and 6:30 PM Wednesday. If you do not have internet access but have a DVD player please let one of the Deacons know and they will make sure you get a copy of the messages.

If you wish to give your tithes and offerings, you can click on the “Give” link on our website or on the “Donate” button on this App or mail your check to the church.

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